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Chinese Acupuncture Meridians channels

What Are The 12 Chinese Acupuncture Meridians In The Body?

The Chinese acupuncture meridians are invisible channels which circulate qi, life force energy, or subtle energy throughout the body.  Many people have heard the term meridians, especially in relationship to acupuncture and Chinese medicine.  Unlike the chakras, which are energy vortexes that allow for the free flow of subtle energy from the outside world into our subtle body, the meridians transport this vital life force substance within the body.

Health - Have Fun

6 Steps To A Health & A Happier You – Dr. Rita Louise

Balance in all things is critical to maintaining health, not only physical health, but emotional and spiritual health as well. In the hectic drive of today’s world, many women forget to take care of their most important asset, themselves. In an effort to help people of all ages learn to take care of and nurture themselves, here are 6 easy ideas you can use to bring health, balance and harmony into your life.

Disease - Why Do We Get Sick

Why Do We Get Sick – Disease & Mind/Body

Western medicine has only recently begun to appreciate the impact our thoughts and emotions have on our health and has started to investigate the link between the mind and the manifestation of disease in the body. Their work has led them to identify a number of reasons why people get sick.