Alien Intervention:
Did Extraterrestrials Insert Themselves Into The Natural Evolution Of Life On Earth?
Scientists, over the past 100 years, are no closer to understanding the hundreds of changes that have transpired with relation to our species and us. They do not understand how these changes could have occurred short of a miracle. A growing body of evidence may offer proof of an other worldly presence here on Earth. The inexplicable transformation of life on earth in antiquity seems anything but natural.
These items may seem insignificant and inconsequential if taken by themselves, yet when looked at as a whole they support the notion of alien intervention in our past.
While the evidence of alien intervention presented here is not a smoking ray gun, what it does represent causes us to pause. Was the hand of an extraterrestrial God involved in our evolution? Were they responsible for engineering a number of plant and animal species that humankind ultimately benefited from? Did their intervention directly promote the culture we have today?
© Copyright Rita Louise, Inc. – All rights reserved.
About Dr. Rita Louise
A gifted and talented clairvoyant medical intuitive, Dr. Rita Louise helps people identify the root causes of their concerns. She is a Naturopathic physician and the founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics that trains students in the art of medical intuition, intuitive counseling, and energy medicine. She has authored six books and produced several feature-length and short films. Dr. Louise has appeared on radio, television and in movies and has lectured on health and healing, ghosts, intuition, ancient mysteries and the paranormal. Her books and articles have worldwide circulation.
Medical Intuitive Reading – Intuitive Counseling – Energy Healing
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