New Thought & Alternative Historian
Press, Media, Presentations
“Fran Dresher’s delivery without the whine”, is how one audience member put Dr. Rita Louise’s frank, funny yet honest approach. Through a powerful synthesis of science and ancient wisdom, her unique insights bridge the worlds of science, spirit and, culture and are changing the way we view our place in the world.
Dr. Rita possesses the caliber of knowledge and experience that organizations demand. She infuses every engagement with both credibility and content. She has the unique ability to deliver a serious message through intriguing stories and her own brand of humor. Her high content presentations and down-to-earth strategies empower and motivate audience members to think outside the box. Her deep insights inspire, invigorate and energize people into looking at the world in an entirely new way.
Some of Dr. Rita Louise’s most sought after presentation topics include:
The Mystery Of Psychic Abilities Revealed:
How To Recognize The Power Of Your Intuition
Attached Entities:
The Bad Kids Of The Ghost World
Healing Relationship Trauma:
Unwinding The Narcissistic Experience
Myth, Underground Bases
& The Extraterrestrial Presence
Myth As History
The History Of The World Based On The Mythic Record
Dr. Rita Louise is available for personal appearances and to speak at conferences worldwide. Entertaining and energetic, Dr. Rita is an affable guest for radio interviews and television appearances. Don’t miss your chance to have Dr. Rita at your next event or appear on your show. Step outside the box and contact her today!
Media Press Kit
Dr. Rita’s Short Bio
Bestselling author, Dr. Rita Louise is the Founder of the Institute Of Applied Energetics and former host of Just Energy Radio. She is the author of the books Dang! It Was Me All Along?, The Dysfunctional Dance Of The Empath And Narcissist, Stepping Out Of Eden, ET Chronicles: What Myth And Legend Have To Say About Human Origin, Avoiding The Cosmic 2X4, Dark Angels: An Insider’s Guide To Ghosts, Spirits & Attached Entities and The Power Within: A Psychic Healing Primer as well as hundreds of articles that have been published worldwide. She is also the producer of a number of full length and feature videos. Dr. Rita has appeared on film, radio, television and has spoken at conferences around the world covering topics such as health and healing, relationships, ghosts, intuition, ancient mysteries and the paranormal.
Dr. Rita’s Extended Bio – click here
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