Intuitive Counseling Gets To The Core Of A Problem Quickly
An intuitive counseling session empowers you. It can give you a new, fresh, and alternative way of looking at a difficult state of affairs. They take into account all of the facets of a problem and let you know what works and what is not in alignment with your highest good.
- Intuitive Counseling Gets To The Core Of A Problem Quickly
- Who Is Intuitive Counselor & Life Coach Therapist Dr. Rita Louise?
- How Can An Intuitive Counseling Session Help Me?
- What Is Life Coaching?
- What’s The Difference Between A Traditional Life Coach And An Intuitive Life Coach?
- How Can An Intuitive Life Coaching Session Help Me?
- What Common Issues Have You Worked With?
- How Does It Work?
- Testimonials
- What Is Involved In An Intuitive Counseling Session? What Can I Expect?
- Can Spiritual Intuitive Counseling Or Life Coaching Be Used In Conjunction With Traditional Mental Health Therapies?
- What Type Of Information Comes Through In A Spiritual Intuitive Counseling Reading? Case Studies.
- Can I Learn To Be A Spiritual Intuitive Counselor?
- How Can I Get An Intuitive Counseling Or Life Coaching Therapy Session From Dr. Rita Louise?
- Reserve Your Intuitive Counseling Or Life Coaching Session Here!
Who Is Intuitive Counselor & Life Coach Therapist Dr. Rita Louise?
I have over 20 years of experience performing intuitive counseling sessions and psychic readings working with people just like you! I am a graduate of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and have been trained in multiple life coaching and healing disciplines including hypnotherapy, Reiki, guided imagery, mindfulness, and more.
As a Naturopathic physician and medical intuitive, I have had extensive training on how the physical body works. I also possess an in-depth knowledge of the aura, chakras, and other subtle energy systems that make up our bodies.
Combined I can help you identify and release what holds you back. It only makes sense that you would want someone who has both alternative health credentials as well as a keen sense of intuition to work with.
Let me act as your teacher, your guide, coach, motivator, and fan club president as you move through the lifestyle change process. Experience the freedom and abundant life you have been looking for.
Each session is designed to empower you, providing you with increased awareness, a sense of direction, and purpose.
Most importantly my ongoing support, through life coaching sessions will help you achieve a greater state of happiness and personal fulfillment. Each success you have will take you beyond what you can ever imagine possible.
So if you need encouragement, guidance, clarity, or direction, I am just a call away!
How Can An Intuitive Counseling Session Help Me?

My non-judgmental, empathic counseling sessions are designed to help you succeed in all of your endeavors. Whether it is helping you to overcome a health issue, identify your life’s passion, achieve your business goals, or improve your overall quality of life, I am always there ready to talk with you.
There are a large number of areas where a spiritual intuitive counseling session can benefit you. You might:
- Feel stuck.
- Have questions about your career.
- Need relationship advice.
- Have problems with your husband, wife, child, friend, or family member.
- Need help making an important decision.
- Need someone to talk to as you sort out your own thoughts and feelings.
- Want a second opinion on a decision you are making.
- Need insights into a work or business-related problem.
What Is Life Coaching?
If you have ever wanted to achieve a goal but find yourself struggling, then working with a life coach can help. A life coach is typically not a licensed mental health counselor who helps you through your past. Life coaches, like me, employ a variety of spiritually-based alternative health therapies that are specifically tailored to you to support you as you work through challenges that are affecting you right now.
I will work with you to create a plan of action to help you actualize your dreams. It focuses on what you want to do and how to get there. I will help you to set up objectives and work with you on accomplishing them. I can help you form new healthy habits and work through limiting beliefs that might be holding you back from realizing your full potential.
My goal is to motivate and support you to achieve your goals or overcome a challenge, whatever they might be.
What’s The Difference Between A Traditional Life Coach And An Intuitive Life Coach?
An intuitive life coach takes every coaching session one step further. An intuitive life coach, using their innate inner wisdom, will look below the surface and explore the depths of your psyche. They can expose your unconscious limiting beliefs and negative emotions that are getting in-between you and your desires.
My spiritual life coaching sessions can help you to uncover the true meaning and purpose of your life.
A life coach works one-on-one with you empowering you to make positive changes in your personal life, your career or your business. The strategies used during a Business Life Coaching or Spiritual Life Coaching session will enable you to evaluate your options and help you to turn them into action.
My intuitive life coaching sessions combine traditional life coaching techniques, intuitive counseling, a bit of psychology, energy work, and spirituality to help you connect with your genuine self and your full potential. Coaching sessions are designed to help you identify and transcend your own blind spots, resistance, or hurdles that keep you from experiencing true inner transformation.
I will work one-on-one with you empowering you to make positive changes in your personal life, your career or your business. The strategies used during a Business Life Coaching or Spiritual Life Coaching session will enable you to evaluate your options and help you to turn them into action.
Like a traditional life coaching session, you will also receive practical tools for creating change. This spiritually based therapy utilizes methods such as mediation, journaling, mindfulness practices, the law of attraction principles, and guided imagery, to support a more profound level of change.
How Can An Intuitive Life Coaching Session Help Me?

My intuitive life coaching session address deeper, more intense level of support and healing. They can be used for:
- Addressing obstacles that may get in your way.
- Developing plans and routines that can help you get things done.
- Establishing concrete steps to start you on the next phase of your life’s journey.
- Releasing past traumas and limiting thought patterns.
- Transform emotional blockages.
- Reducing triggers due to PTSD and c-PTSD.
- Finding peace and happiness in your life.
- Business: marketing, developing, and advertising insights.
What Common Issues Have You Worked With?
There are endless topics that you can discuss with me during an intuitive therapy reading. Here are a few common examples:
Stress management | Anger issues |
Anxiety | Depression |
Relationship Issues | Decision making |
Career guidance | Business ventures |
Diet/weight loss | Health/wellness |
Life transitions | Confusion |
Trauma issues | PTSD/c-PTSD |
Family problems | Loss/grieving |
How Does It Work?
Having an intuitive counseling reading or life coaching therapy session is similar to working with a traditional medical health practitioner with one twist. Instead of you talking to them in an effort to uncover and heal your woes, I use my gift of intuition to identify what is really going on.
Once the root cause of your concern is identified, a personalized coaching plan is developed.
There are a number of different ways I receive intuitive information during a spiritual intuitive counseling reading. I like to say that I am an intuitive multimedia platform. I see images, feel into your body and receive messages from you, your guides, your higher self, or your body.
What others have to say about their Medical Intuitive Evaluations, Intuitive Counseling or Energy Healing Sessions.
What Is Involved In An Intuitive Counseling Session? What Can I Expect?

It is always a good idea to prepare in advance for your intuitive counseling reading or life coaching session. Regardless of what the problem is, spend some time identifying what you would like to focus on. Many clients bring a prioritized list to their readings to ensure that we give the most critical items the time and energy they deserve.
You will want to be in a quiet place, free from distraction as we do our reading. We will be talking about private information, so the ability to talk freely is essential. Also, we will be talking over the phone, or on your computer, so ensure it is charged or that you are close to an electrical outlet if required.
The Intuitive Counseling Session
We will spend the first few minutes going over your reading goals. We will explore your questions, and concerns, focusing on specific areas you need guidance or support on. The session will shift once this is completed and I have a moment to align with my intuition.
Our bodies are always talking to us. It always tells us what is wrong and what it wants and needs to heal. Using my intuition, I will dig deep into your aura, chakras, and physical body and listen to what it has to say. It will always share with me what emotions or limiting beliefs may be causing your concerns in the first place.
If you are having a problem with a friend, lover, or family member, don’t worry. The same is true if you have questions about child, there are problems at work or as part of a business related issue. These individuals do not have to be present to be assessed as part of your intuitive session. (Some ethical reservations may apply.)
My intuitive counseling sessions are extremely detailed. A lot of information comes through so it is always advisable to have a pen and paper nearby as we explore the wisdom and secret messages your body holds.
Personalized Healing Plan
Many healing practitioners practice a one size fits all approach to wellness. I will intuitively generate a personalized healing plan, tailored specifically for your needs. The plan is designed to bring you back to a place of mental and emotional health and harmony.
The plan may include spiritual practices such as energy work, developing mindfulness, journaling, meditation, or guided imagery. I may also recommend herbs and supplements, dietary changes, or an exercise program. Other complementary therapies such as chiropractic, massage, homeopathy, or a detoxification plan may be recommended.
Remarkably, you might start to feel better once your confusion has lifted and you receive a solid plan of action.
Session Conclusion
You will then have the opportunity to ask any final question or get additional clarity regarding something we discussed as the intuitive counseling reading concludes. We will discuss if some life coaching sessions would be beneficial and when they would be scheduled. Life coaching sessions support your healing goals and your ability to achieve lasting change.
Session Follow-up
It is important to note that some of our deepest work happens right after an intuitive counseling reading. It is advisable to be kind to yourself, drink lots of water and stay away from alcohol and junk food. Try to give yourself and an hour or two before reengaging in your workday. Take time to reflect on the insights you gained from the session or any insight that may come to you afterward.
Can Spiritual Intuitive Counseling Or Life Coaching Be Used In Conjunction With Traditional Mental Health Therapies?
A spiritual counseling session works well with traditional mental health therapies. It provides deeper insights into the root cause of trauma and other mental and emotional health issues that western medicine often overlooks or is unable to detect. These deep-seated beliefs often take years of talk therapy to uncover.
Working with an intuitive counselor gives you a leg up since you will already have an understanding of what is going on before you walk through their door.
I have had several clients who were engaged in traditional mental health counseling. They have told me that within a few coaching sessions, I was able to expose what had taken them years of talk therapy to uncover.
What Type Of Information Comes Through In A Spiritual Intuitive Counseling Reading? Case Studies.
Unacknowledged Trauma Impedes Weight Loss
I had a client who came to me to uncover why she was unable to lose weight. Clairvoyantly, I looked at her aura and physical body. It was easy for me to see that she was using her weight as a boundary, to protect herself from other people’s energy. Sharing this with her, she let me know that she was aware of this concern.
I move to the next onion layer and communicated what I perceived. She was cognizant of that as well. This went on for several additional layers, all of which she was conscious of. Again, peeling back another layer my stomach suddenly started to convulse. I felt like I wanted to vomit.
I wasn’t sure what the overwhelming feeling meant, but I intuitive knew I was getting close to the root cause of her concern. So, I inquired. That was when she started crying. Her parents, when she was young, would force her to eat fish in an effort to lose weight. These seafood meals would often end with her being sick.
I received another intuitive insight as she spoke. A clear message stated identifying her limiting belief. “Your resistance to your parent’s efforts is keeping you from losing the weight. Your inner child does not want to give in to their demands.” She was very grateful for the revelation I offered. She now had another area in which she could work to heal herself.
Not Everything Is As It Appears During A Reading
One of my life-coaching clients originally came to me because of weight issues. Her attitude during our first session was all happy, happy, joy, joy. She loved everyone, which on the surface is admirable, but I could readily see that below the surface was rage. I recognized early on that until she was able to acknowledge her anger, her weight would never come off and she would never get her life back.
It turned out that she suffered overwhelming emotional abusive from her family. Yet, every time I would reflect back some hurtful thing her family would say or do to her, she would shrug it off. “It’s ok. I love them and I know they love me.”
It was session number six that her veil of denial about her family lifted. She no longer carried the happy, happy, joy, joy attitude and finally was able to tap into the profound hurt she had and was still experiencing at her family’s hand.
Our sessions continued for a while where she learned how to create boundaries and express her needs and desires. In time her self-esteem and self-worth improved. Our sessions concluded.
Around 2 years after our final session my client scheduled a follow-up. When I went into the waiting room to get her, I didn’t recognize her. She had lost over 150 pounds and her self-esteem was greatly improved. She was well on her way to being a whole, authentic person.
I Want A Boyfriend
One of my clients really wanted to be in a long-termed relationship. They seemed elusive to her. It was clear to me from the onset of our intuitive counseling session the reason she wasn’t in a healthy relationship. Her only criterion for a successful romance was that her partner ‘was breathing’.
It only took a few life coaching sessions to remedy this. We dug into her beliefs about men and relationships. We explored the trauma she had endured in the past. Using guided imagery, we investigated what a good and healthy relationship would look and feel like.
“What would it feel like if he held your hand walking through the mall?” “What would it feel like if you were at a crowded party and he looked at you from across the room and smiled?” We explored all of the things she wanted to experience with her ideal partner.
Two weeks after our last life coaching session she met a loving, caring man who offered her all she had hoped for, and more.
Mystery Stone Interferes With Progress
Several years back I was doing a radio interview where I was discussing psychic abilities. The show host asked if I could do a mini-reading on him. I accepted. He informed me that he was working with a group who were considering drilling for oil in Oklahoma. He wanted to know if they were going to strike ‘black gold’.
Clairvoyantly, I looked at the drilling location. As my mind followed the potential drilling site down I detected something really hard in the ground. I felt like it would take them a long time, and a number of drill bits, to work their way through this dense material.
The host, after this short psychic reading, didn’t say a word. Instead, we went to a commercial break. While the ads were playing for listeners, I asked him if he had any knowledge or insights into what I was saying. He revealed to me that he and his partners had been drilling at this location and hit granite (a very hard stone).
I don’t know whether or not they continued drilling but my insight into them encountering a dense material as they drilled was spot on.
Can I Learn To Be A Spiritual Intuitive Counselor?

You can help others make dramatic, long-lasting changes in their lives by working as a certified intuitive counselor. In my Certified Intuitive Counselor training program, you will develop your inner knowing and acknowledge the wealth of insight that lies untapped within you. It can launch you into a new career, especially when helping others is your life purpose.
Discover how to help those who need your aid as they work through important life changes and challenging situations. You can become their trusted guide. Someone who can access their intuition and divine wisdom hold a key skill in the future of intuitive counseling.
You can open the door to becoming a certified intuitive counselor starting today! Learning to be a spiritual intuitive counselor has never been so easy.
You can start right now by downloading my free Jump Start Your Intuition course.
You can JumpStart Your Intuition Today!
How Can I Get An Intuitive Counseling Or Life Coaching Therapy Session From Dr. Rita Louise?
Taking action is the key to making positive changes in your life. This includes your health. So don’t wait! Take your next step right now and schedule an intuitive counseling reading with Dr. Rita Louise.
You can opt for a 15, 30, 60, or 90-minute counseling session. Typically, a 15-minute spiritual intuitive reading is good for one question/health concern.
I recommend ALL new clients schedule at least a 30-minute reading to begin but use your judgment. If you have a lot going on in your life, you might want to start with a 60 or 90-minute initial consultation.
Several prepaid, discounted packages are also available for those wanting to take advantage of my life coaching services. These transformative, life-altering sessions will take you to the next level of healing. Why wait to be happy again?
Reserve Your Intuitive Counseling Or Life Coaching Session Here!
Go ahead and click the image below and pick the intuitive counseling or life coaching package that best suits you. I will email you within one business day to set up a time.
Contact Dr. Rita Louise if you have questions or want to schedule a session time by email or phone.
You will be well on your way to enjoying all the benefits we’ve talked about more! Let’s get started right now!
30 Minute Session$120.00
Full Hour Session$200.00
90 Minute Session$280.00
Disclaimer: An intuitive counselor is not a medical doctor or licensed therapist. This means that, by law, they are not allowed to diagnose, treat, alleviate, mitigate, prevent or care for any disease of any kind, in any way. If you have a health condition, it is important that you consult your primary care physician.