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Understanding & Healing Trauma Series

This Healing Trauma Series is for individuals who have experience long-term trauma through neglect, physical, mental, emotional or sexual abuse and have become stuck in a chronic cycle of stress.

What do you do if your emotions are on overdrive? What do you do if you find yourself easily trigger by life events and your inner world spiraling out of control? Is there a way to recover and reestablish peace of mind? There is. It is by going inside healing trauma.

Fawn Response

Codependency, People Pleasing And The Fawn Response

By definition, fawning refers to the flattery or affection displayed to gain a favor or advantage. Fawning is the opposite of the fight response. Instead of aggressively attempting to get out of a dangerous situation, fawn types attempt to avoid or minimize confrontation. They do this through what is referred to as ‘people pleasing’, where they bend over backward trying to be nice. It is not done to be considerate to the other individual but as a means of protecting themselves from additional trauma.

C-PTSD - Trauma

C-PTSD, Trauma And Our Stress Response System

Trauma affects everyone differently. Trauma affects everyone differently. Traumatic events push the nervous system outside its ability to regulate itself. Children who constantly experience emotional stress, such as a fear, judgment or rejection can end up developing c-PTSD. People who suffer from c-PTSD can have difficulty controlling their emotions and emotional responses.

wounded healer

A Journey Unraveling Our Inner World: The Path Of The Wounded Healer

The term “Wounded Healer” refers to a person who has undergone intense pain and suffering and used these injuries to transform him or herself. They emerge from this profound transformation more in touch with their authentic inner nature with a greater awareness of themselves. These individuals become a source of wisdom and inspiration for others.

abuse - trauma survivor - trauma healing - healing trauma

Loving Someone Who Is An Abuse Or Trauma Survivor

If you find that you have fallen in love with an abuse or trauma survivor, understand right up front that healing is possible. Sometimes by understanding what your partner has been through can help you to better support them as they work through their tangled up and confused inner world.