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Healing Trauma

Healing Trauma

abuse - trauma survivor - trauma healing - healing trauma

Understanding & Healing Trauma Series

This Healing Trauma Series is for individuals who have experience long-term trauma through neglect, physical, mental, emotional or sexual abuse and have become stuck in a chronic cycle of stress.

What do you do if your emotions are on overdrive? What do you do if you find yourself easily trigger by life events and your inner world spiraling out of control? Is there a way to recover and reestablish peace of mind? There is. It is by going inside healing trauma.

people pleaser

People Pleaser’s Guilt

Guilt can be a huge barrier in being assertive, especially for a people pleaser.  It makes us question our choices and wonder if our internal rules are somehow flawed.  We may feel responsible.  We may not want to disappoint someone. We may not want to hurt their feelings. 

healthy boundaries

What Are Healthy Boundaries & How To Keep Them

s to have strong boundaries when we are interacting with someone at the grocery store, or when we are dealing with an issue at the bank.  Where challenges arise is when we are trying to maintain our boundaries with our close friends, romantic relationships and families. 

inner child

Tools For Inner Peace: Trauma, Wounding And The Inner Child

We can all act childish every now and then especially when we our world is challenged. While we may appear to be adults on the outside, when situations occur, that trigger one of our scripts, our wounded “inner child”, can appear and take over the show. This unconscious part of ourselves can at times covertly control our demeanor. In some situations this part of ourselves can unknowingly run our lives.


Mindfulness: Find Inner Peace By Healing Out Of Control Thoughts

By being mindful of your thoughts, especially your intrusive ones, you can begin to calm down what has been flared up and hopefully let go of the rest. They can be easier to control and even prevented if you can catch them early on instead of waiting until you are in the midst of a full blown meltdown. One way of supporting our ability to ‘be’ is through mindfulness techniques and meditation. Some people suggest that self-improvement techniques such as meditation or mindfulness are hard or even exhausting. What is even more taxing on your body and soul is the underlying stress negative thoughts and emotions can have.

authentic self

Finding Your Authentic Self: What It Means To Be The True You

Many people want to be happy and experience a life filled with joy and bliss. One component to being happy on a consistent basis is through connecting with your authentic self. We stay true to who we really are when we are authentic to ourselves. There is a level of congruency within us. Our inner world aligns with our outer world. What we think and believe matches what we say and do.

biology of the stress response

The Biology of the Stress Response & Trauma

When our nervous system detects a threat or we are faced with a distressing situation, our bodies naturally and instinctively react by activating our stress response. These threats trigger the body to engage defensively where it sets off a series of rapid well-orchestrated physiological and hormonal changes. They spring into action and allow us to respond quickly in an effort to ensure our survival. All of this happens instantaneously and outside of our conscious control.

Fawn Response

Indications Of The Fawn Response: Codependency & People Pleasing

By definition, fawning refers to the flattery or affection displayed to gain a favor or advantage. Fawning is the opposite of the fight response. Instead of aggressively attempting to get out of a dangerous situation, fawn types attempt to avoid or minimize confrontation. They do this through what is referred to as ‘people pleasing’, where they bend over backward trying to be nice. It is not done to be considerate to the other individual but as a means of protecting themselves from additional trauma.

Dissociation & The Dissociative Experience

Dissociation & The Dissociative Experience: Are You Spaced Out?

Dissociation, for many people, is a natural reaction to stress or trauma and is most often tied to the freeze response. It is one way the mind works by disconnecting us from unbearable feelings and emotions that may overwhelm us during traumatic events. Dissociation can help us better deal with what might otherwise be too emotionally devastating to bear.