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Don’t miss out on life! Get healthy tips and fresh ideas for transforming yourself and your life with articles by Dr. Rita Louise

Health - Have Fun

6 Steps To A Health & A Happier You – Dr. Rita Louise

Balance in all things is critical to maintaining health, not only physical health, but emotional and spiritual health as well. In the hectic drive of today’s world, many women forget to take care of their most important asset, themselves. In an effort to help people of all ages learn to take care of and nurture themselves, here are 6 easy ideas you can use to bring health, balance and harmony into your life.

Nephilim Giant

The Truth About The Nephilim: Sons of God And The Daughters Of Man?

Over the years a mythos has developed around the concept of the Nephilim. It alleges that these giants were the offspring of the “Sons of God” and the “Daughters of Man”. Are the Nephilim the children of the untoward relationship? The connection between the biblical text and this claim, although commonly pointed to as the basis of this belief, is unfounded.

Energy Medicine - reiki - Spiritual Energy Healing

What Is Reiki? How Does Reiki Work:? Can I Do Reiki Too?

The goal of Reiki is to restore balance and harmony between all the parts of our being. This alternative health modality works to create a state of equilibrium in our life-force energy. It raises the vibration in the body and words to heal and clear its energetic pathways. This allows our life-force energy to begin to flow again.

meditation & relaxation

Relaxation & Meditation Techniques For The Active Mind

Meditation is a practice that people want to incorporate into their lives, yet many have difficulty mastering. When we think, we envision an Indian mystic dressed in a colorful robe sitting in a lotus position on the top of a mountain. We may long to experience the states of bliss reported by these holy men, but find it challenging to achieve these deep states of contemplation ourselves.

Healthy Eating

Eating Healthy On The Go

Coming up with easy healthy food choices on the go can seem daunting if not impossible. What many people do not realize is that eating healthy, in addition to improving your overall health and vitality, can save you money.

Cranial Deformation - Elongated Skull

Worldwide Mysterious Phenomena Of Elongated Skulls

Societies around the world portray distinct characteristics which define their culture. From the clothes worn; the language spoken and the customs and traditions that are passed from generation to generation, each of these can provide insights into a cultural group. There are, however, a number of universal customs that are practiced on each continent around the globe. They include circumcision, death and burial rituals and cranial deformation.

Disease - Why Do We Get Sick

Why Do We Get Sick – Disease & Mind/Body

Western medicine has only recently begun to appreciate the impact our thoughts and emotions have on our health and has started to investigate the link between the mind and the manifestation of disease in the body. Their work has led them to identify a number of reasons why people get sick.