Introduction To The Chakras
Have you ever wondered what a chakra is? You have probably heard that word but perhaps do not have a clear idea of what it is and how it works. The 7 chakras are part of our human energy system and part of our subtle anatomy. Invisible to the eye, they work to channel subtle information from the aura and the subtle bodies. They are an integral part of our human energy anatomy and part of the anatomy of our spirit.
Everything is in the universe is dependent on the life giving power of subtle energy, including our selves. Our bodies are not just made up of organs, glands and biological processes. It is also composed of a complex network of interdependent and interconnected forces which interact with one another in a web of mutually conditioned relationships. These forces are called subtle energy.
Subtle energy is said to flow through a series of energetics structures called chakras. What is a chakra? How does it function? What is it used for? Dr. Rita Louise offers an introduction to the chakra system and their function in our ability to maintain health. She explore simple concepts of our subtle energy and energy structures that lay hidden to the naked eye.
- Introduction To The Chakras
- The Function Of The 7 Chakras
- How Do The Seven Chakras And Subtle Energy System Work?
- Chakra Basics
- The Seven Chakras Description
- Chakras Frequencies : How The Chakras Process Energy
- Life Events (Trauma) Can Impact Chakra Function
- Chakra Function And Our Health
- What Do Our Chakra Colors Say About Our Health?
- Chakras And Chakra Colors
- Guide To Understanding The First Chakra
- First Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 1st Chakra
- Clairsentience: Trusting Your Gut: Your Second Chakra
- Second Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 2nd Chakra
- Power And The Third Chakra
- Third Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 3rd Chakra
- Compassion, Balance and Harmony: The Energy Of The 4th Chakra
- Fourth Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 4th Chakra
- Communication: Our 5th Chakra Sets The Energy Of Our Lives
- Fifth Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 5th Chakra
- Access Visual Information Directly: The 6th Chakra
- Sixth Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 6th Chakra
- The 7th Chakra: The Energy Of Infinite Boundless Potential
- Seventh Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 7th Chakra
- Why Worry About The Chakras: Chakras And Health
The Function Of The 7 Chakras
Many people have seen references to at least one of the chakras when they are watching a movie and they see a person with an extra eye in the middle of their forehead. This location, “the third eye” is where our 6th chakra resides. There are seven chakras in total, that run up and down the spine as well as throughout the rest of our bodies. There are even chakras in our hands and feet.
Join Dr. Rita Louise, in this video presentation, as she works through the body, up the spine and describes the function of the major 7 chakras in our bodies.
How Do The Seven Chakras And Subtle Energy System Work?
Each of our subtle bodies is made up of a number of component parts, which include the chakras. The term chakra is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or disk. In Yogic literature, they are thought of as spinning vortexes of energy within the subtle body. They are formed where lines of energy or force intersect one another. The role of these subtle energy centers is to gather and organize our life force energy. They are much like acupuncture points which are specialized locations that allow energy to flow in and out of the subtle body. They also work to extend our perception of the world around us.
Invisible to the naked eye, these highly sensitive energy centers allows for the reception, assimilation and transmission of energy and information from our environment. According to Richard Gerber, the author of Vibrational Medicine, they are emotional, mental and spiritual energy processors, that act and react to a different patterns or vibrations of energy. Information that is transmitted and received by these energy centers can include social, sexual and spiritual energy vibrations.
Chakra Basics
Each subtle body contains 7 major chakras, which transport specific vibrations of energy through our energetic system. They are located in a vertical column up and down the spine. Three appear below the sternum, three appear above the heart, leaving the 4th chakra to function the balancing point for all of them. The remaining three appear above the heart center.
In addition to these seven specialized energy centers, additional ones are found in the palms of our hands, the soles of our feet and in the crook of our knees and elbows. Ancient texts state that there are as many as 360 highly sensitive points for energy transfer in the subtle body.
The Seven Chakras Description
Generally speaking, the 1st chakra, receives, assimilates and transmits energy and information regarding our interaction with the physical world. It deals with the survival of the physical body and our ability to manifest our wants, needs and desires into the physical world. The 2nd receives, assimilates and transmits energy and information associated with our feelings, our creative or organizational energy. It is also the seat of our desires. In turn, the 3rd, is concerned with the regulation of energy within the body as well as how we use our energy as we interact with the world around us.
The 4th chakra, or heart chakra, vibrates at the frequency of love. It is responsible for creating balance and harmony within the subtle body. The 5th vibrates with the energy of communication on both verbal and non-verbal levels. Where the 5th chakra can be thought of as the sound that is transmitted and received by a radio, the 6th provides us with the pictures that we see. Associated with our vision and imagination the sixth chakra is often called the 3rd eye. Finally, the 7th chakra is responsible for our connection with spiritual energy. It is said that it is through this energy center that we can communicate with God.
Chakras Frequencies : How The Chakras Process Energy
The chakras function by processing information within a specific band or range of frequency vibrations. They function similar to a typical AM/FM radio. On a radio, you can tune-in to any FM station when your tuner is set within the range of 88 to 108 MHz. Let’s say for this example that your 4th chakra processes information within this frequency range. The 4th chakra is the energy center of affinity. One of its functions is to process the vibration of love, which in this instance we’ll say vibrates at a frequency of 92.8 MHz.
If your 4th chakra is healthy, open and functioning you would be able to receive the frequency vibrations from any station on the dial, including the vibration of love. If, on the other hand, your 4th chakra is not functioning correctly, is not fully awakened or if there have been issues that have affected the flow of energy through it, the number of stations that could be tuned in may be lessened.
This decrease may affect our ability to tune into the frequency of 92.8 MHz and thus to send or receive love. When we do try to tune in to the vibration of love we may experience a lot of static or interference. Depending on how much the chakra has been effected we may not be able to tune in or access this frequency vibrations at all. When this occurs, the their function is impaired.
Life Events (Trauma) Can Impact Chakra Function
When we are in the midst of a traumatic event, we block the natural flow of energy moving through the chakras. This is normal and natural in the short term. Over time the unpleasant events that have affected us throughout our lifetime can take their toll on our chakra’s ability to function causing them to shut down.
Chakras typically don’t close all at once. Instead they shut down gradually due to the repetition of hurtful or disturbing events. For example, we may find ourselves stuck in an unhealthy relationship, a job or habit. Over time, the chakras function can become blocked, clogged, congested or distorted. Correspondingly we might begin to feel anxious, jumpy, experience PTSD and in the worst scenario, physical disease.
These repeated patterns of action can keep us from growing and could be identified or characterized by the chakra that is under-energized, has a reduced vibratory rate or is unable to transmit fully. In the end, the flow of our life force energy through our chakras becomes inhibited.
Chakra Function And Our Health
Anodea Judith, in her book Wheels of Life theorizes that a dysfunction in a specific chakra can be seen as a dysfunction in the body, where they reflect or record every fear, discord, hateful, sorrowful, self-pitying event in our lives that we choose to hold on to. For example, a person with a constriction in the 5th chakra may have physical symptoms such as a sore throat, tight shoulders or even hypothyroidism. These physical symptoms may manifest in someone who is afraid to speak their truth, express themselves or their feelings or even cry. As the flow of energy into the 5th chakra diminishes, the throat constricts and over time the associated organs begin to break down.
This same process can occur in each of our chakras. Over the course of time and repetition, the more a chakra reduces the frequency vibrations it can receive it can manifest as a multitude of symptoms and a potentially chronic physical disease. By understanding how the chakras function, you can also heal them so that you can live a happier and healthier life.
What Do Our Chakra Colors Say About Our Health?
Tradition states that each chakra is tied to specific chakra colors. When viewed by a skilled intuitive, healthy chakras appear open, unarmored, energetic, free of stagnant energy, spin in a clockwise direction and are about the size of a silver dollar. Energy and information travels easily through the chakras in both directions. Each chakra has two distinct sections, the inner ring and the outer band.
The inner ring makes up the majority of the chakra and works to transmit, receive and assimilate information. The outer band runs along the outside edge of the chakra and surrounds the inner ring. Working like a muscle, it controls the opening and closing of the chakra, where it regulates the flow of subtle energy.
Each chakra, in addition to their ability to open and close like the aperture of a camera, vibrates or resonates at a particular frequency or within a specific frequency range. Spiritual texts traditionally associate a specific color to each of them. The color red vibrates at the slowest frequency and is assigned to the 1st chakra. The color purple vibrates at the highest frequency and is assigned to the 7th chakra. These chakra colors reflect ideal energetic vibration.
Chakras And Chakra Colors
Traditionally, each chakra is assigned a color and is listed below. This listing, however, describes a chakra that is healthy and balanced. When imbalanced, disease can set into our energetic system. This will cause these colors diminish or can change completely.
The chakras color can also provide us with information about the personality or constitution of an individual as well as their current state of health and wellness. The colors observed in each chakra, for example, reflect the frequency of energy being metabolized by an individual at any given moment. So while texts ascribe red to the 1st chakra and green to the 4th chakra, the colors observed in these chakras may actually appear as corn silk blue and mustard yellow respectively.
These skewed chakra colors reflect imbalances to subtle energy movement. They represent our past traumas, hurts, pains, invalidations which are in need of healing.
Guide To Understanding The First Chakra
The First Chakra Relates To All Things That Are Solid, Earthy And Grounded. Located at the base of the spine, the first chakra is associated with the physical body and the world of matter. Called Muladhara in Sanskrit, this energy center is referred to as Malkuth in Qabalistic literature where it is the 10th sephirah on the Tree of Life. More specifically, the first chakra is located at the peritoneum, which can be found midway between the anus and the genitals. Affiliated with the color red, the 1st chakra is considered the densest and the slowest moving of all the major chakras.
Function Of The First Chakra
The first chakra relates all things that are solid, earthy and grounded. According to Qabalistic texts, the first chakra permits “God’s will” to manifest. It allows consciousness to manifest and spiritual patterns, which were conceived of in the 7th chakra, to be expressed in physical form.
On physiological levels, the 1st chakra is associated with the adrenal glands, the coccyx and the coccyglelganglion as well as the large intestines. As the center of manifestation into the physical world, its association with the large intestines only makes sense. It is through the large intestines that solid matter is passed out of the body and into the world around us.
It is also responsible for the generation and identification of our needs. We are all motivated by our unsatisfied needs. Our needs, especially our need to survive can exert an enormous influence over our action. According to Abraham Maslow and his “Hierarchy of Needs”, there are different levels to our needs, with our basic needs wanting to be satisfied before more our more complex needs can be identified and ultimately met.
Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs
- Physiological Needs – our need for air, food, and water. These needs can be very strong and if deprived over time, the person will die.
- Safety Needs – our need to have stability and consistency in our lives and our environment.
- Social Needs – include our need to escape loneliness and have a sense of belonging.
- Esteem Needs – our need for self-esteem and respect from others.
- Self-Actualization Needs – at this level, all of our lower needs are met and we are able to be our authentic selves.
Our base needs can be so compelling that they can lead a person to lying, cheating, stealing and even violence. Abraham Maslow believed that humans aren’t inherently evil. Instead, he felt that people who were deprived of their base needs were driven to getting them met by whatever means necessary. This is especially true when it comes to our most basic needs including the need for air, food and water.
Base Needs Of The Root Chakra
Our need for physical survival, that is our need to keep our bodies alive, is vital. We witness this need for physical survival when we see a tree bent over to one side in order to stay in the sunlight or when we hear stories of animals who, when caught in a hunter’s trap, chose to chew off their own paw rather than stay. We also encounter a need for physiological survival when we hear of someone in distress fighting for his or her life.
Our ability to have our base needs met has changed as we have grown as a society. We are no longer hunters and gatherers concerned with what we will eat. Nowadays, we have jobs, bank accounts and credit cards that allow us to buy food and pay for shelter. It is through these means that we are able to satisfy our basic need for survival.
When our ability to take care of our basic needs becomes threatened, we experience the same reaction as our ancestors. We go into fight of flight, which shuts down the first chakra and activates our adrenal glands. If this is you, if you are chronically stressed out or unable to rest, consider that the function of your first chakra has been compromised.
First Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 1st Chakra
Why Heal The First Chakra?
- The 1st chakra is located at the base of the spine.
- The color of the first chakra is red.
- The 1st chakra relates to all things solid, earthly and grounded.
- When we ground we are energetically connected to the earth.
- When we open up and clear this chakra our connection to the world will automatically increase.
- We experience the safety that a healthy first chakra can offer.
- When our energy is flowing through this energy center we feel grounded, safe and alive.
- We are confident and have the ability to achieve your goals.
- We feel connected to life and experience a sense of stillness within ourselves.
Clairsentience: Trusting Your Gut: Your Second Chakra
The Second Chakra Is Our Interface Between The World Of Energy And The Physical World. Associated with the color orange, the second chakra is perceived as being less dense than the 1st chakra. It is often seen as the interface between the world of energy and the physical world. The 2nd chakra controls the energy of integration, creativity, our ability to feel and is the seat of our desires.
The second chakra is intimately connected to the Moon in both Yogic literature and Qabalistic texts. The Moon is associated with the physiological cycles of women and is connected with the growth of plants and other life on our planet. It is the moon that produces the never-ending movement of the tides here on Earth. This never ceasing cyclical movement of the Moon is reflected in the action of the 2nd chakra where energy flows in and out, ever in motion.
In the 1st chakra we discussed the instinctual responses we experience as we interact with the world around us. This is typified by our Fight or Flight Response, the physiological reaction we have when our survival is threatened. The physical body, however only recognizes rudimentary sensations such as pain, fatigue and discomfort. It works to organize the sensations we experience. This organization results in feelings.
Feeling Are Tied To The 2nd Chakra
Our feelings have the ability to communicate our current state of being. Our bodies assimilate our feelings, which when asked can let us know how we feel in any given moment. They may also be transmitted out into our environment where we can share our experiences with others. Interestingly, this subtle form of energy exchange has been recognized as the primary way in which animals communicate with each other.
In man, these subtle feelings are often ignored. Many times we may feel that something is amiss, but instead of acting on this information we suppress it. We suppress it because we either cannot understand its promptings or because it doesn’t agree with the thoughts, opinions or judgments of our mind, which can easily override our feelings. Some just don’t recognize that their feelings provide them with perceptual information at all.
Second Chakra Home Of Psychic Ability Clairsentience
Think about how may times you’ve walked into a room and had an uncomfortable feeling or noticed a strange “vibe”. This is your second chakra at work, providing you with information from your environment. Or what about the times when you had a strong feeling, a strong notion, one that you experienced deep in your gut that told you something was going to happen. Or perhaps you felt as if someone were looking at you, only to turn your head to see someone in the car next to you staring. You were receiving this information on 2nd chakra, clairsentient levels.
As with the energy of any of our chakras, some people are more open to this energy vibration than others. It is not that they have some special gift, but instead they have learned to acknowledge, validate and act upon the feelings they are experiencing. They are thought of as listening to their gut feelings, of trusting their instincts or of being sensitive, empathic or intuitive.
Second Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 2nd Chakra

Why Heal The 2nd Chakra?
- The 2st chakra is located just below the belly button.
- The highest color vibration of the second chakra is the color orange.
- The 2nd chakra controls the energy of integration, creativity and our ability to feel.
- It is the seat of our desires.
- When our second chakra is open we can recognize energy on feeling or clairsentient levels.
- Both our own feelings as well as the emotions of others.
- As we expand and activate the 2nd chakra we will naturally become more in touch with our deepest emotions, needs and desires.
Power And The Third Chakra
The Third Chakra’s Function Is To Provide Energy For All Our Endeavors. There is only one word to describe the energetic nature of the third chakra: Power. Called Manipura in Sanskrit, the 3rd chakra is located in the solar plexus just below the sternum and is said to vibrate at the color yellow.
On the Tree of Life, the third chakra is the first energy center to appear split into two equal yet opposing parts. The two halves of this energy center rest on the two outer poles of the Tree Of Life. By representing this energy center in this way we are provided with a deeper understanding of its dual function. On the left, the active, positive, creative, masculine, yang aspect of this energy center is called Netzah, which occupies the 7th position on the Tree of Life. On the right is the passive, negative, receptive, feminine or yin aspect of this duality called Hod, that holds the 8th position on the Tree of Life.
Function Of The Third Chakra
There are two types of energy produced in the 3rd chakra. One is the fire of our passions. The other is represented by our determination or will. Without either or both of these types of energy, nothing could or would be accomplished. Accomplishment and completion of goals is a critical function of this chakra. In order to set a thought or idea into motion, energy must be applied to it. Without an initiating or propelling force on one level or another, we would be unable to get our energetic motor running and manifest into the physical world.
Third Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 3rd Chakra
Why Heal The Third Chakra?
- The 3rd chakra is located in the solar plexus just below the sternum.
- Yellow is the highest color vibration of the third chakra.
- The 3rd chakra provides us with energy for all of our endeavors.
- It is the fuel that fires our passions which lead to manifestation in the physical world.
- But sometimes fire can be a dangerous thing.
- When our 3rd chakra is wide open we can get caught up in the excitement and end up losing site or our goal.
- Then again if the fire has gone out we can become depressed, angry or frustrated.
- When we balance and activate the third chakra our energy will naturally become more balanced.
- It can open you up to a more passionate, responsible and relaxed life.
Compassion, Balance and Harmony: The Energy Of The 4th Chakra
The Fourth Chakra Offers Us A Sense Of Inner Wholeness. The fourth chakra vibrates at the energy of compassion, balance and harmony. When we are in the energetic vibration of the 4th chakra, we can evaluate the goals we established in the 3rd chakra and reflect on our achievements. Located in the center of the chest, this chakra is called Anahata in Sanskrit and Tiphareth as you move up the Tree of Life to the 6th sephirah. Associated with the color green, it is linked to the thymus gland and the heart plexus and is often called the heart chakra or heart center.
The 4th chakra occupies a unique position within our energetic make-up. In this point of balance, we find that there are three chakras below it and three chakras above. The primary functions of the lower three chakras revolves around our interaction with the physical world and our external self, where they focus on the satisfaction of our needs and desires and our ability to respond to external stimuli. As we move to the 4th chakra and above, our focus shifts from the physical to the mental and spiritual realms that make us whole.
The Function Of The 4th Chakra
The 4th chakra is the place in which balance and harmony can be established and maintained. It is from this central point that all life radiates, connecting all of our parts to each other. It acts as a master controller, where it provides a pathway for stress to be released. This is not only emotional stress, but any stress that is placed upon our energetic system. It is the 4th chakra that assists us in equalizing our energy.
Experiencing The Fourth Chakra
Some of us may experience the energy of wholeness for a brief moment or for extended periods of time. Others may never have or recognize this experience at all. Wholeness isn’t achieved through money, social standing or power. These are aspects of the lower 3 chakras. It can only be achieved by going deep inside ourselves and opening ourselves up to experiencing our true inner nature. When we are in this state, we find ourselves in a place of inner peace. We are able to rise above the pettiness of our egos and experience altruism, compassion and love.
When we speak of love on a 4th chakra level, it is not a sexual kind of love, but instead a love that is felt towards all things. We are able to rise above our own needs and desires and our attachment to the material and social world. We feel united with the world around us, an inseparable part of the whole.
Fourth Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 4th Chakra
Why Heal The Fourth Chakra?
- The 4th chakra is located in the center of the chest.
- The color of the 4th chakra is green.
- Sometimes we experience feelings such as sadness, despair and pain.
- Has your life been challenging?
- Do you feel hurt, angry, frustrated or confused?
- These are signs of an unbalanced 4th chakra.
- But the fourth chakra also holds our ability to feel love, comfort and compassion.
- It is in the 4th chakra that we experience wholeness.
- We feel validated, whole and compassionate when our energy is flowing through the energy center of the fourth chakra.
- It allows us to feel connected to ourselves and the world around us.
Communication: Our 5th Chakra Sets The Energy Of Our Lives
The Fifth Chakra Expresses Words Which Carry The Message Of Our Intentions. Located in the cleft of the throat is the fifth chakra. The 5th chakra is the energy center of communication. It controls our ability to express our thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions. It is also here that we “communicate” with our inner self and with God.
Called Visuddha in Sanskrit, this chakra is made up of the Tree Of Life sephiroth Geburah and Chesed. Chesed sits on the positive Pillar of Mercy, while Geburah rests on the negative pillar, the Pillar of Severity. Associated with the color blue, on physiological levels the 5th chakra is related with the Cervical Ganglia Medulla as well as with the thyroid gland. Based on its physical location alone, it is no wonder that the fifth chakra vibrates with the energy of communication.
Function Of The Fifth Chakra
Our words have power and our speech has the power to set the energy or the direction we choose in our lives. If we say good and positive things, good and positive things (experiences) happen to us. Our words give us the opportunity to experience life from a positive or optimistic point of view. If, on the other hand, we come from negativity, saying negative things, negative things will happen to us or we will end up seeing life as one big problem or disappointment.
Fifth Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 5th Chakra
Why Heal The Fifth Chakra?
- The 5th chakra is located in the cleft of the throat.
- The color of the fifth chakra is blue.
- The 5th chakra controls our ability to express our thoughts, feelings, ideas and emotions.
- It also allows us to tap into the guidance our soul provides.
- When our fifth chakra is open we can better control the direction our life is heading.
- It is always there providing you with guidance and support every day of your life.
- Open yourself up to the quiet, subtle whispering of your inner guidance the 5th chakra offers.
Access Visual Information Directly: The 6th Chakra
The Sixth Chakra Crystallizes Energy Where It Can Take Form. The primary mode of the 6th chakra is that of sight and insight. Physiologically, the sixth chakra is associated with the pineal gland and the hypothalamus/pituitary nerve plexus. Associated with the color indigo, the 6th chakra is located in the center of the forehead and is often referred to as “the third eye”. Called Ajna in Sanskrit, the sixth chakra is the last of the major chakras that are represented by two distinct energy centers on the Tree of Life. Called Chokmah and Binah, which correspond to the 2nd and 3rd sephiroth respectively, these sephiroth represent the movement of energy as it begins to crystallize and take form.
Chokmah is unbridled energy and unlimited potential. It has no form. It is energy that has just entered into the realm of manifestation. This is where we first recognize our energy as being different and separate from God’s. It is often thought of as the origin of consciousness or as self-consciousness itself.
Binah, on the other hand, bind the free flowing energy of Chokmah and limits it. Limitation helps us to differentiate ourselves from the collective whole of which we are a part. It is critical for the creation of discrete entities. We experience limitations on spiritual, mental, emotional and even on physical levels. They make us unique and distinctive, with our own thoughts, wants, needs, desires, opinions, strengths and weaknesses. These limitations control the direction and focus of our lives and form the basis and foundation of our life path and life experiences.
Function Of The Sixth Chakra
From here, we can see things as they really are, that is, if we choose. We are beyond the judgment, prejudice and programming found in the 5th chakra. From here we can view things neutrally and objectively. Visual information is non-linear in nature. It just is. In order for it to be expressed, it has to be translated or interpreted so that we can communicate or express it to others.
Sixth Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 6th Chakra
Why Heal The Sixth Chakra?
- The 6th chakra is located in the center of the forehead.
- The color of the sixth chakra is indigo.
- The 6th chakra holds our imagination.
- Sometimes it runs wild or is full of constant mental chatter.
- The sixth chakra is responsible for the movement of energy as it begins to crystallize and take form.
- It takes our unbridled, unlimited potential and through limitation gives it form.
- In the 6th chakra we can see things for how they are.
- We are beyond the judgment, prejudice and programming that may fog our perception of the world.
- The sixth chakra also holds our ability to see things clairvoyantly.
- Give yourself permission to trust the images you see in your mind’s eye.
The 7th Chakra: The Energy Of Infinite Boundless Potential
Boundless, Limitless Energy Flows Through The Seventh Chakra. Located on the top of the head, this chakra is often associated with the soft spot found on the heads of newborns. Occupying the first sephiroth on the Tree of Life, this energy center is called Kether in Qabalistic literature and Suhasrar in Sanskrit. The seventh chakra is the seat of wisdom and enlightenment and is associated with the color purple, the fastest vibrating color of the visible light spectrum. Physiologically it is linked to the pineal gland, the cerebral cortex and the central nervous system.
The 7th chakra is the point where all life wells up from the energy of pure existence. It is the gate between all that is yet to manifest and the physical world. Energy that exists prior to its formation at the seventh chakra is described in Qabalistic literature as existing beyond the “Veil of Negative Existence”.
The Function Of The 7th Chakra
The Veil of Negative Existence condenses at Kether, the 7th chakra. The energy that flows through the seventh chakra can be thought of as the seed from which all life sprang forth into existence. The out flowing and in drawn breath represents this initiating force as do the concepts of birth and death. It is believed that this is the point from which all things begin and to which, in the end, all things return.
This boundless, limitless energy flows in through the seventh chakra and through the body via the Sushumna to the 1st chakra where it is output or grounded. The connection to our power source is critical because without it, we would be nothing. It can be thought of as the battery that provides the body with electricity, which causes our energetic current to flow. It is the flow of this energy that animates us and energizes the chakras, filling us with a never-ending supply of life force energy.
Seventh Chakra Healing | A Free Guided Meditation For The 7th Chakra

Why Heal The Seventh Chakra?
- The 7th chakra can be found on top of the head.
- Purple is the highest vibration of the seventh chakra.
- When our 7th chakra is unbalanced we can feel stuck or as if our life is not moving forward.
- It can also leave you feeling separated, disconnected or isolated from yourself or from source.
- The seventh chakra connects us to our higher self, God or the divine.
- It holds our light, life and inspiration.
- It connects us to all things bigger and better than ourselves.
- Without it, we will not be able to move forward in our endeavors.
Why Worry About The Chakras: Chakras And Health
When we think about creating and maintaining health, we typically only think about the physical part of our make-up. Little attention is paid to our thoughts, feelings and emotions, much less our aura and chakras. We may find ourselves in an unhealthy relationship, a job, or a habit. Our chakras, over time, can become blocked, clogged, congested, or distorted. This might cause our bodies to feel constantly sore, we might suffer from fatigue, develop an ulcer, have anxiety issues, or even panic attacks.
The reality is at least 85% of physical health issues have a corresponding mental/emotional issue that is trapped in their organs, glands, tissues, and and most importantly their chakras.
We all go to the doctor when we are not feeling good. Many of us take herbs and supplements, exercise, and eat right to maintain good health, but what about our emotional and energetic well-being? This is where a chakra healing can support your ongoing health needs. So close your eyes, find a comfortable position and find peace, wholeness and harmony with yourself.
Taking action is the key to making positive changes in your life. This includes your health. So don’t wait! Take your next step right now and contact Dr. Rita to schedule a private consultation.
Medical Intuitive Reading – Intuitive Counseling – Energy Healing
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