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entity attachment

Attached Entities, Trauma & Dissociation: The Entity Attachment Formula

The interaction between an entity attachment and its victim is unlike a traditional haunting. Entity attachments interact with select individuals in a very specific way. These unseen beings are not tied to a specific location but are tied to specific people. They do not scratch or bite. They do not make things go bump in the middle of the night.

ghost - attached entity - reptilian brain

Attached Entities Ghost & The Reptilian Brain

Over the last few years the number of people who seem to be effected by entity attachments has been on a dramatic rise. Attached Entities & The Reptilian Brain takes a look at the relationship between the reptilian brain and the soaring number of new cases of entity attachments.

active haunting - Get Rid Of A Ghost

How To Get Rid Of A Ghost: Help Them Take Their Next Step

If you discover you are involved in an active haunting and you have an unwanted ghost hanging around, there are a number of ways to get rid of a ghost. In my experience, the method I will describe has worked time after time to eliminate a pesky spirit or get rid of a ghost.