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Understanding & Healing Trauma Series

This Healing Trauma Series is for individuals who have experience long-term trauma through neglect, physical, mental, emotional or sexual abuse and have become stuck in a chronic cycle of stress.

What do you do if your emotions are on overdrive? What do you do if you find yourself easily trigger by life events and your inner world spiraling out of control? Is there a way to recover and reestablish peace of mind? There is. It is by going inside healing trauma.

inner child

Tools For Inner Peace: Trauma, Wounding And The Inner Child:

We can all act childish every now and then especially when we our world is challenged. While we may appear to be adults on the outside, when situations occur, that trigger one of our scripts, our wounded “inner child”, can appear and take over the show. This unconscious part of ourselves can at times covertly control our demeanor. In some situations this part of ourselves can unknowingly run our lives.

wounded healer

A Journey Unraveling Our Inner World: The Path Of The Wounded Healer

The term “Wounded Healer” refers to a person who has undergone intense pain and suffering and used these injuries to transform him or herself. They emerge from this profound transformation more in touch with their authentic inner nature with a greater awareness of themselves. These individuals become a source of wisdom and inspiration for others.

abuse - trauma survivor - trauma healing - healing trauma

Loving Someone Who Is An Abuse Or Trauma Survivor

If you find that you have fallen in love with an abuse or trauma survivor, understand right up front that healing is possible. Sometimes by understanding what your partner has been through can help you to better support them as they work through their tangled up and confused inner world.

Chromotherapy - color therapy

Chromotherapy: Using Color Therapy For Healing

Chromotherapy, or color therapy, uses light and color to bring about a state of health and healing in the body. Everyone knows how good it feels to take a walk out in nature. As we breathe in fresh air, the sun recharges our “batteries” leaving us feeling alive and refreshed. Color, if applied correctly, can trigger changes towards better health and overall well-being.

Friendly Ghost - resident ghost

Getting Rid Off A Ghost: Get To Know Your Resident Ghost

Not everyone wants to get rid of the resident ghost that may be inhabiting their homes. Some people actually believe having a resident ghost hanging around is fun. I know this is going to sound weird and probably very scary to many of you, but if you want to have a relationship with your resident ghost, communication with it is very important.

schumann resonance

Group Conscious & Increasing Schumann Resonance

The primary frequency detected around our planet resonates at 7.83Hz. It has been likened to the heartbeat of the Earth. It plays a significant role in DNA formation and our physical and mental health. It is the frequency on which bodies work, particularly the brain and heart.

Health - Healing - Stress Reduction

Stress Relief & Revitalization: Herbal Bath Recipes

One of the easiest ways of bringing a little rest and relaxation into our lives is by taking a hot herbal bath. Soaking in a bath is not only an enjoyable way of reducing tension in itself, but by adding herbs to your bath, you can further enhance its healing properties.

Health - Have Fun

6 Steps To A Health & A Happier You – Dr. Rita Louise

Balance in all things is critical to maintaining health, not only physical health, but emotional and spiritual health as well. In the hectic drive of today’s world, many women forget to take care of their most important asset, themselves. In an effort to help people of all ages learn to take care of and nurture themselves, here are 6 easy ideas you can use to bring health, balance and harmony into your life.

Energy Medicine - reiki

What Is Reiki? How Does Reiki Work:? Can I Do Reiki Too?

The goal of Reiki is to restore balance and harmony between all the parts of our being. This alternative health modality works to create a state of equilibrium in our life-force energy. It raises the vibration in the body and words to heal and clear its energetic pathways. This allows our life-force energy to begin to flow again.