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Don’t miss out on life! Get healthy tips and fresh ideas for transforming yourself and your life with articles by Dr. Rita Louise

Why Am I Afraid Of Being Happy: Cherophobia

Why Am I Afraid Of Being Happy: Cherophobia

We all want to be happy and many of us search for happiness in the things we do.  We want to have satisfying romantic relationships, a successful career and a nice home.  The pursuit of happiness, in fact, is the central focus of the self-help industry where it tries to inform and instruct people in the ways of experiencing a blissful existence.  While most people actively pursue happiness, there are many who fear it.  These individuals have a happiness phobia called ‘cherophobia’.

happy - happiness

What Does It Feel Like To Be Happy: Happiness 101

You may wonder, what is happiness and what does it feel like to be happy?  It seems like a simple question but many people do not even consider whether they are happy or not.  Everyone says they want to be happy but are they? 

happy in your relationship

Are You Happy In Your Relationship Or Just Comfortable?

Are you happy in your relationship or just comfortable?  This is a question that we all ponder as time goes on and the thrill and excitement we first felt when we met someone begins to dim.  We all want to love and be loved.  We grow up being told about the ‘happily ever after’ we will experience once we find Mr. Or Mrs. Right.  Once we say “I do”, however, it often seems as if there is nothing more to strive for or to look forward to.  We have achieved our objective.  We have moved in together or gotten married and wonder, now what?

reactive abuse

Reactive Abuse: A Narcissist’s Favorite Cat & Mouse Game

When someone is experiencing reactive abuse they are responding in a significant way to the toxic behavior they repeatedly experience from another.  The abuse may be physical or psychological in nature.  The over the top reaction often occurs when that abuser instigates some kind of controlling mind game, and constantly provokes their victim until they react. 

people pleaser

People Pleaser’s Guilt

Guilt can be a huge barrier in being assertive, especially for a people pleaser.  It makes us question our choices and wonder if our internal rules are somehow flawed.  We may feel responsible.  We may not want to disappoint someone. We may not want to hurt their feelings. 

healthy boundaries

What Are Healthy Boundaries & How To Keep Them

s to have strong boundaries when we are interacting with someone at the grocery store, or when we are dealing with an issue at the bank.  Where challenges arise is when we are trying to maintain our boundaries with our close friends, romantic relationships and families. 

inner child

Tools For Inner Peace: Trauma, Wounding And The Inner Child

We can all act childish every now and then especially when we our world is challenged. While we may appear to be adults on the outside, when situations occur, that trigger one of our scripts, our wounded “inner child”, can appear and take over the show. This unconscious part of ourselves can at times covertly control our demeanor. In some situations this part of ourselves can unknowingly run our lives.

chronic stress

How to Recharge Your Life By Healing Your Chronic Stress

We experience stress when we lose our jobs, or do not having enough money to buy food or pay our bills. Anything that elicits fear within us can contribute to this unspoken physical and emotional tizzy and strain our adrenal reserves. This state is amplified for trauma survivors who find themselves trapped in cycles of worry or rumination or whose stress response is always turned on.